guess i better get my ticket now.
if you're not aware of what SPE mean, it's the Society for Photographic Educators. There will be talks, demonstrations, book explanations, portfolio reviews and my favorite... free supplies.
A few years ago, I attended SPE with some classmates of mine when it was in Philly, it was an amazing trip and completely worth it. I remember carrying my portfolio in my hands on the plane, in fear it would get damaged. The girls and I showed up first for the portfolio review and took over five or so tables. People traveled from all over the country and were representing all different kinds of photography departments and schools.
I remember how excited i was to finally get to speak to Arno Rafeal Minkkinen, a photographer on the SPE board and has influenced so much of what is my self portrait work. He pulled me aside and critiqued my work and signed my copy of his book.

Anyway, I encourage anyone who can to go to the convention in march. it will definitely be an experience!
go to: https://www.spenational.org/
Conference Prices are as follows: Member, regular: $250
Member, adjunct faculty: $230
Member, senior: $175
Member, student: $90
Non-member, regular: $375
Non-member, student: $180